Texture details
Updated 28 Feb 2001
Upper levels: - QuArK Information Base - 1. Introduction to QuArK - 1.5. Texture-browser in QuArK |
1.5.3. Texture details |
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Texture details |
Rowdy - 28 Feb 2001 | [ Top ] |
This view appears when you select a texture in the treeview or click one of the new texture buttons. The top of the window shows the image type and size, the middle panel shows four different sized previews of the texture, and the bottom contains some additional information about the texture. |
Toolbar-icons |
Rowdy - 28 Feb 2001 | [ Top ] |
This toolbar appears when viewing texture details. The first button calls the external editor (configured in 'External editors') to edit the image. The second button opens a window showing you the colour palette for Quake II (or whichever game you are editing levels for). The third button allows you to resize a texture, but only if the texture has been saved inside an add-on. You cannot resize a texture you are linking to. |
Details |
Rowdy - 28 Feb 2001 | [ Top ] |
This panel shows additional information about the texture. Link to indicates which texture you are linking to, and "in directory" is the directory which contains this file. If you have copied the texture into the add-on instead of linking to it then "Link to" and "in directory" will not appear. Path is the directory containing the texture. Contents , Flags and Value are derived from the 'Texture flags' settings, and the button displays the 'Texture flags' window. Next texture in anim. sequence allows you to string together a series of textures to make an animated texture. Each texture points to the next one to be shown, and the last one should point back to the first texture in the sequence. |
Texture flags |
Rowdy - 28 Feb 2001 | [ Top ] |
This is the Texture-flags window for a Quake II texture. Other games may support different texture flags (or none at all), so the window appearance may be different. These values are collected together and stored in the "Contents", "Flags" and "Value" fields against each texture. Very briefly, Brush says what the object looks liks, such as water, slime, playerclip (player cannot see it), monsterclip (monster cannot see it), ladder (player can climb up it). Flowing indicates whether the texture moves, like the surface of a river, and the direction in which it moves. Face hold properties of the face, such as whether it emits light of it's own, whether it warps (the swirling effect on liquid surface), if it is slick (like an ice rink) and so on. |
GNU General Public License by The QuArK (Quake Army Knife) Community - http://www.planetquake.com/quark |
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